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(Asides) Blog

Frommer's 2021 Best Places to Go


I'm happy to be in the company of Cheryl Strayed, David Sedaris, Flannie Flagg, Jodi Picoult and a dozen other American writers who provided Frommer's with ideas for their Best Places to Travel in 2021. Frommer's asked for overlooked destinations which speak uniquely to the American experience. I picked Fort Gibson, OK, a place I truly love, and one awash in American history.

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Kentucky Book Festival


My conversation with Roxana Robinson, Bobbie Ann Mason, and Annette Clapsaddle on historical fiction. Taped for the 2020 Kentucky Book Festival, during the pandemic.

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BBC Radio 3

I was delighted that BBC Radio3 asked me to participate in their commemoration of the 400 year anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower by talking about how and why Squanto came to help the Pilgrims.   



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Reading the West Adult Fiction Shortlist

I'm happy that the independant booksellers who sponsor the Reading the West Awards have included Cherokee America on their Adult Fiction shortlist. There's a public voting component to this award, and I hope you'll vote to help Cherokee America win. But, win or not, being shortlisted is an honor. Voting starts April 20, 2020. The picks are announced on May 20.


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Spur Award

I am thrilled by Cherokee America being named the winner of the Spur Award for Best Traditional Western by the Western Writers of America. It's particularly gratifying to recieve an award from other writers. And this group of writers includes both novelists and historians, all specializing in the West. I could not be happier for this book. You know, you write a book and send it out into the world, hoping for the best for it and for it's characters, and then you don't have any control. Good things happen to it, or not. It's a lot like being a parent. You do the best you can do, and then just hope and pray.

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Feeding the Ducks

I think of myself as a novelist and rarely even recall my published short stories. But I've been contacted recently by students who are studying "Feeding the Ducks" in their Film and Fiction class at Arkansas State University. My answer to a question one student asked may be helpful to anyone new on the writing path, so I provide it below:


Is there a particular reason you choose to set your story where you did?


"Feeding the Ducks" is set in a small town in Western Kentucky. I visited that town a lot as a child and played there with my cousins. I think small towns (and constrained settings in general) are useful places to set fiction. People rub against each other in tight settings in ways they don't in larger ones. My two novels are set mostly in a particular river bottom and an adjacent small town. The novel I'm working on now is set in a park in Nashville. I think you get more opportunities for conflict if you constrict your setting. 

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NYTimes 100 Notable Books of 2019 - CHEROKEE AMERICA

I recieved word of this yesterday morning when I was congratulated by someone on FB. I hadn't had any coffee, and didn't realize at the time the online version of this list came out ahead of the print version. I haven't seen the print yet, but look forward to savoring it, and, also, to reading about the other 99 books. I don't think lists like this one are perfect. Maud's Line wound up as a finalist for the Pulitzer and was left off every list in the country, and all lists are a matter of taste. But they are important to working authors, and for the education of the reading public, which is overwhelmed with choices. So I'm thrilled. Yes, I am. Thank you, New York Times.

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E-Book Trouble?

I reported to my editor the trouble two people at the OKlahoma Book Festival told me they were having with seeing Sequoyah's syllabary correctly depicted in their e-book copies. She investigated, and her sources told her that all the major e-book formats are displaying the characters accurately. If you're having trouble, could you leave me a message including what type of device you are using? My editor, publisher, and I want to get this straightened out. Thanks.

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